Calling all campers and/or preppers. We have identified some unique camp stoves and camp lighting gear you may want to add to your gear bag. All products are small, powerful, and functional.
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Calling all campers and/or preppers. We have identified some unique camp stoves and camp lighting gear you may want to add to your gear bag. All products are small, powerful, and functional.
What, exactly, hasn’t BioLite come up with? If you like cooking your food over fire when at camp, and at the same time, need to charge up a phone or tablet or two, then the Biolite Basecamp may be for you. This stove uses kindling-size firewood to fuel the fire, and then converts the heat into energy with BioLite’s thermoelectric generato
Halfway between a fire pit and a backpacking stove, the Solo Stove is a modern, stainless-steel wood-burning stove. Small and light enough for backpacking and hiking, the Solo Lite weighs only 9 oz. It is specially engineered to burn wood much more efficiently and with much less smoke than a straight-up, traditional campfire. It also takes much of the work out of lighting a fire – twigs and kindling can simply be stuffed inside and lite. The air intakes on the bottom of the Solo Stove bring air into the bottom of the fire, almost like a bellows, while also allowing warm air to rise up the sides of the stove – which creates a secondary combustion and larger fire, and creates less smoke than a regular fire. It’s also more efficient, and will use less fuel than an open fire.
Camping, backpacking, and hiking--it's all about minimalist gear. The OUTAD Windproof Portable Camping Stove fits the bill. Whether you need that hot cup of coffee or a hot meal, the OUTAD will allow you to take the comforts of home to the outdoors.