
minimalist wallet

9 Posts


Best Alternatives to Ridge WalletS: SAVE SOME MONEY

I've come to understand that these pseudo "leather" wallets I can buy at my local mall don't last very long. So, when I see a product like the Ridge wallet, I get a bit curious about whether it may be worth it. I'd buy it right away were it not for the rather hefty price tag. Let's explore some alternatives to the expensive Ridge wallets.

By Fast Eddie

Decadent Minimalist DM1 Wallet


The Decadent Minimalist Wallet Is The Simplest, Easiest EDC Wallet

We’ve definitely seen our fair share of minimalist wallets, and it feels like we see newer, simpler ones all the time. But the Decadent Minimalist DM1 really takes the cake. It’s literally just a single piece of metal – aluminum, nickel or titanium, CNC-machined – with zero moving parts, straps, hinges, screws or magnets. Just a one-sided frame.

By Austin Leavitt

trayvax ascent wallet


This Trayvax Minimalist Wallet Has A 65-Year Warranty

You’re looking for a minimalist utility wallet, but you don’t want to compromise on looks. You kinda like the leather and feel that a real wallet has ample leather – even if it is a “utility wallet.” So, you opt for the Trayvax Ascent- a minimalist wallet designed to slip into your front pocket, consisting of a stainless-steel frame with hand-stitched, full-grain leather sleeve sides.

By Austin Leavitt

cardamon wallet red


This Cardamon Wallet Should Be Your Next Wallet

We’ve seen quite a few minimalist wallets here at Gear for Life. But we’ve rarely, if ever, seen anything as simple and minimal as the Cardamon Wallet 1. Designed by a former Arc’teryx designer, the Cardamon took three years to create and perfect; they wasted no effort and ignored no detail in getting it right.

By Austin Leavitt